The English qualifications offered by the University of Cambridge are amongst the most widely-recognized, prestigious ones available. These credentials provide invaluable proof of the lingüistic competence of the holder, not only for university, but also for the professional world.
The results of our students vouch for the success of La Salle – San Rafael’s commitment to its English Bilingual Project as once again, despite the exam’s postponement during last year’s lockdown, we have been able to see the hard work of our students rewarded with the attainment of Cambridge diplomas.
The teaching community is very proud to see that, even in this most challenging of times, our students have reaped the fruits of all those years of dedication. All of you, from A2 to C1, deserve our most heartfelt congratulations for your great achievement! Well done everybody, and the best of luck to all those who are sitting this year’s exams on june 19th!